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024 38684569Năm XB: | Loại sách: | Ebook; | |
Khổ sách: | 16 x 24 | Số trang: | 196 |
Quốc gia: | Việt Nam | Ngôn ngữ: | en |
Mã ISBN: | Mã ISBN Điện tử: | 978-604-471-090-7 |
This textbook is edited based on the Kurz’s book “Fundamentals of solidification” with some additions from other sources. It can be used as the main textbook for the course: “Solidification Processing” in framework of Advanced Program “Materials Science and Engineering”. The objectives of this course are to provide students principles of control of structure, properties and shape in processes involving liquid–solid transformations; stresses, heat flow, mass transport, solute redistribution, and nucleation and growth kinetics; relationship between process variables and structures and properties in the resultant material; stability and change in morphology of the solidification structures; advanced solidification processing such as rapid solidification and single crystal making; examples are drawn from existing commercial and new developing processes.
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