580 lượt mua
Hotline Bán hàng:
0985694099Hotline :
024 38684569Năm XB: | Loại sách: | Ebook; | |
Khổ sách: | 16 x 24 | Số trang: | 200 |
Quốc gia: | Việt Nam | Ngôn ngữ: | en |
Mã ISBN: | Mã ISBN Điện tử: | 978-604-471-089-1 |
This textbook is edited for students following the Advanced Program “Materials Science and Engineering”. It’s developed from the D.A.Poster’s book “Phase Transformation in Metals and Alloys”. This is a shorten and condensed version, supplying the most important and core knowledge on phase transformations. Thus, it can be used as a main textbook for the course “Kinetic Processes in Materials”, which objectives are to provide students:
1. A foundation for the principles of kinetic behavior
2. A firm understanding of diffusion in various materials
3. A working knowledge of chemical rate theory
4. A firm understanding of phase transformations
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