642 lượt mua
Hotline Bán hàng:
0985694099Hotline :
024 38684569Năm XB: | 2012 | Loại sách: | Sách giấy; Ebook; |
Khổ sách: | 16 x 24 | Số trang: | 180 |
Quốc gia: | Ngôn ngữ: | en | |
Mã ISBN: | Mã ISBN Điện tử: | 978-604-9998-35-5 |
Calculus, as a mathematical subject, plays an extremely interesting and important role in engineering as well as in science, because it brings to all people working in these fields not just only the intellectual beauty but also the key to discover the miracles of technological and scientific world.
Calculus 1, the first part of Calculus, includes of basic operations on functions: limit, differentiation and integration.
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